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Thursday, July 21, 2011

Should I Get a New Domain Name for SEO?

It's veto secret with the purpose of having a keyword or 2 in your domain handle can carry out an effect on your rankings. Arrived reality, in certain belongings it's thorny to get the message some other wisdom why a position can rank; with the exception of their spam-keyword-keyword.Com domain handle. But I'm open to award a the minority reasons why you shouldn't adjust your domain handle simply as you wish for to rank in support of a search period.

1. Brand is emperor

Arrived the earth of SEO, we every time say "content is king." But in the earth of occupational, brand is king. Well, maybe not "king," but it's pretty critical. And solitary of the ways in which you help to promote and look after your brand is through the habit of your website, on your branded domain handle.

If you're marketing your occupational in some other style, you will undoubtedly prevail on relatives to your position as a findings (think: Press releases, proceedings, and the rest.); and if a recipient of your marketing pains be supposed to decide to study your company online, they will likely search in support of (or "Google") your company's handle, not a express keyword.

Even if your position does rank next to the top in support of the search, it's placed in the same type as the others on the search engine's results piece of paper (SERP). Instead, wouldn't it be better to carry out a domain handle with the purpose of would allow searchers to without doubt identify your administrator position?

2. It's not with the purpose of important of an SEO deal

It's really not with the purpose of important of a deal to carry out your keywords in the domain handle. We like to prevail on them in in attendance if we can prepare so devoid of taking away from the integrity of the brand, but we don't stress it. And we don't stress it as it really isn't with the purpose of important of a determining aspect. Sure, it will prevail on a grouping of sites to rank, but not as a rule out-ranking sites with the purpose of focus more on the quality of their position and Internet marketing pains.

It's thick-skinned to believe with the purpose of while you're staring next to certain competitor with a spammed domain handle out-ranking you. But permit me stage set your mind next to make better with a secret run to.

100%. That's the amount of clients we've had with the purpose of faced certain competitor not in in attendance with a spammy domain handle. It's almost guaranteed with the purpose of in attendance is someone not in in attendance, veto make a difference the niche, with the purpose of has certain to create a position to rank. And there's any more run to too.

100%. That's the norm amount of epoch it didn't make a difference in the outcome. Our clients still ranked, still established abundant traffic and they didn't carry out to sacrifice their brand integrity.

I'm not overweening regarding our graft (well, maybe a little); to be more precise explaining with the purpose of a quality campaign will out-perform rank-quick tactics. Besides, the sites with the purpose of prepare with the purpose of as a rule (but not always) put into action other corner-cutting techniques with the purpose of outcome up hurting their rankings.

3. It's on the chopping deter

Google is well aware with the purpose of they are giving too much import to domains with keywords in them. And they are aware with the purpose of this is a weakness in their position results. And while Google identifies a weakness in their procedure, especially solitary with the purpose of threatens the quality of their results they attack it.

How long it will be previously we get the message a "fix" is anyone's suppose, but it's entrance.

4. It's not worth trailing gained ground

New sites can be a nuisance to rank. New site's start next to 0 inbound relatives, and I beg your pardon? Relatives you can prevail on in a the minority months still carry out to age previously they fully effect rankings. It's simply not worth trailing the relatives to your current position, the pages with the purpose of are already indexed, and referrals you can carry out.

And if you're argument is:

"We can completely redirect the old position to the new"
You carry out to remember with the purpose of 301 redirects prepare not pass 100% of their assessment. Instead, it is degraded a little while transient through with the purpose of redirect. Link-building is tricky sufficient as it is; simply getting 80% of the returns with the purpose of you might be getting is completely plain mad.

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