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Thursday, September 1, 2011

How to First Install a Drupal Module?

When you install Drupal Core in your routine, it will robotically install around of the nearly all commonly used modules. These modules be as tall as bundled with the Drupal Core Download. But as you start working in Drupal, you will discover with the purpose of in attendance are so many other utilities as well with the purpose of are vital to develop Drupal powered website. These utilities can be incorporated in the website by using singular modules with the purpose of are urbanized by many contributors and uploaded on the formal Drupal website. To bring into play all these, you enclose to download these modules from the Drupal website and install the module to your routine. There are many ways to install a extra Drupal module to your routine, but you on behalf of optimum performance you enclose to ensure with the purpose of you install with the purpose of in such a way with the purpose of the installed modules can be tracked without difficulty, they can be updated whenever you like the extra version of the module is released by the developers. Here we are discussing step by step procedure of installing Drupal modules.

Download the module - Before you download the module you need to manufacture for sure with the purpose of it is compatible with the version of Drupal with the purpose of is installed in your routine.

Extract the module - When you download the module it will be downloaded as an archive record with.Tar or.Gz postponement. If you are running a Linux based routine, you can straight way extract the module but if you are having Windows afterward you enclose to bring into play point applications with the purpose of can extract documentation with.Tar or.Gz extensions, on behalf of paradigm 7-Zip.

Installing - Then of way comes the nearly all key part of module installing in Drupal. For with the purpose of you enclose to upload the contents of the extracted module folder to the desired location. You can upload the documentation through SFTP which is a standard record conveying protocol. You could think with the purpose of you can place the downloaded module to the module sub-folder under the Drupal folder. But with the purpose of would be a oversight as with the purpose of folder is predestined on behalf of individuals modules with the purpose of be as tall as bundled with the Drupal Core. For installing downloaded modules you need to create a secondary folder with a point tag under the site/my.Put. Directory. But if you like to install the module on behalf of all the websites in your Drupal installation you enclose to place the module under the site/all directory. There are convinced modules with the purpose of require point medication to function as it should be. To know as regards with the purpose of you enclose to read the README.Txt record with the purpose of comes with the installation package.

Enabling the module - no more than installing a module in Drupal does not mean you will persuade to bring into play the functions of the module. For with the purpose of you enclose to enable the module. For enabling a module in your Drupal installation you enclose to attempt to Administer > Site building > Modules. At this summon all the modules with the purpose of are installed in your routine will be displayed and you enclose to browse to the module with the purpose of you enclose very soon installed or like to enable at once. There you enclose to 'check' the enable box on the underneath and click 'Save Configuration.'

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